Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Zeke's Star Trek name is "Krell" - a klingon

Zeke wanted to go see Star Trek (the movie) last weekend, but I had to explain to him that dogs were not allowed in the theater. That did not sit will with him. Or maybe that I went on to see the movie without him was more the problem. Well, he will just have to get over it. Star Trek was very good. Maybe it was just my need for an escape for a couple of hours but I thought the action in the movie was great, the plot of an alternate reality was cool, and the possibilities for new adventures in that alternate reality are fun to imagine. I look forward to more Star Trek missions. I am even tempted to go see it again on the big screen before its DVD release. Sci-fi reminds me of the imaginative possibilities for life. Granted, we cannot zip from zero to light speed like they do in the movie (a super cool new twist), but one of the things I have come to believe as a Christian is that God opens all kinds of alternatives to the world’s way of doing things and of being. I think that is why I also like Star Trek, Star Wars, and other sci-fi “realms” – because all kinds of possibilities exist. Zeke’s biggest alternate realities are riding in the car or walking around the block, but that is good enough for him! We certainly need alternatives to the realities we see these days. Movies can give us a brief break, but only God can give us life in abundance – and that is the ultimate alternative reality. I might give Zeke a rawhide bone later so he can have an alternative to his routine. Once he starts gnawing on that bone he will forget all about Star Trek and theaters and alternate realities. If he growls about missing Star Trek I’ll just have to give him a Vulcan neck pinch to calm him down.